Wednesday, December 28, 2011

How Modern Technology Can Harm Your Fertility

!: How Modern Technology Can Harm Your Fertility

The hallmark of modern technology is convenience and it can come with at a high price. Modern technology emits high levels of electromagnetic radiation, which is a definite hazard to optimum fertility and the developing embryo. The best way to protect your fertility and safeguard the health and well-being of you and your prospective family is to avoid devices that harm your body's delicate cells.

In some instances it can actually be impossible to completely avoid radiation but being aware of specific sources of radiation and reducing your exposure to these devices is the best approach. One very simple way of doing this is to ensure that you don't carry your mobile phone close to your body such as in a pocket for example.

Here are some of the sources of radiation, which can harm reproduction you need be aware about:

Mobile phones produce radio frequency (RF) radiation. Most mobile phones transmit and receive RF radiation at frequencies between 825 and 915 megahertz (MHz). These radio waves are emitted by both mobile phone handsets and base stations. RF radiation has the ability to heat human tissue, similar to the way in which microwave ovens heat food. The thermal effects produced by the electromagnetic field of the radio waves cause polar molecules in the body to generate dielectric heat and this heat can cause live tissue to die.

In addition, essential to be aware of children's and developing babies' vulnerability to mobile phone radiation. Some studies have shown that mobile phone radiation can cause damage to the DNA of cells - there was damage to chromosomes, changes to the activity of certain genes, and an increase in the rate of cell division and replication. At a time when cells are rapidly dividing and growing into specialized cells and tissues, we need to realise that any interference in this process may result in the development of birth defects or illnesses. Many studies also link module phone use with decrease in production and quality of a man's sperm.

Cordless phones emit the same type of radiation as mobile phones, however some experts believe they are even more dangerous than mobile phones. This belief is due to the fact that the base stations of cordless phones emit the same type of radiation as a mobile phone station tower, and depending on the model sometimes more than twice the amount of radiation as mobile phone tower. Radiation emissions from the base station of a cordless phone can be as high as six volts per metre - which is twice as strong as those found within 100 metres of mobile phone station towers. When standing two metres away from the base of a cordless phone, you would still receive radiation as high as 2.5 volts per metre-that's 50 times what scientists regard as a safe level.

The best way to avoid exposure to cordless phone radiation is to not have one in your home or office. Use a standard fixed line and location phone instead-this particularly important if you are working to overcome fertility problems and/or miscarriages and want to have the healthiest possible baby. However, if this is not an option, try limiting the amount of time you spend on your cordless phone, and when you are not using the handset, keep it on the base station (at least 5 metres away from where you spend a lot of time in, such as living room, home office, bedroom etc. It is a good idea to move the base station to an area in your home where you do not spend a lot of time - such as the foyer or entry, or your garage.

Wireless technology such as wireless internet, computer networks and hot-spots as well as wireless mice, keyboards and speakers, also operate by using radio frequency non-ionising radiation similar to that used by mobile and cordless phones. Many believe that exposure to these low-level electromagnetic waves radiated from wireless technology devices can be as harmful to health and fertility, causing cellular damage and possibly cancer as the other types of radiation already previously described.

Studies conducted in this area show the non-thermal effects of this type of radiation include DNA damage and inability to self-repair, the opening of the blood-brain barrier (allowing toxins and pathogens to reach the brain), lowered immunity, decreased melatonin levels, cell damage, formation of micronuclei, changes in calcium metabolism affecting communication between cells, changes in brainwave patterns as seen on EEG's, plus effects observed on many different systems of the body. Although there are still no long term studies on the effects of exposure to the radiation emitted by wireless technologies, it is estimated the results will be very similar to those discussed previously, linked to mobile and cordless phone use.

Electric blankets (a blanket with a built-in heating element so the person sleeping can maintain a desired temperature) are very popular around the world. Many people use electric blankets because their use can reduce home heating costs, however, what a price for your health to pay. Electric blankets have been seen to produce electromagnetic radiation over 70,000 times higher than normal acceptable levels. The electromagnetic radiation produced by electric blankets is able to penetrate about 6-7 inches (close to 20cm) into the body. Studies have shown that the use of electric blankets has been linked to an increase in the incidence and development of childhood leukemia.

The use of electric blankets have also been linked to an increased rate of miscarriage, impaired baby development, increased stress levels, memory problems and possibly other types of cancers. One study showed that due to electromagnetic radiation emitted during operation, women who used electric blankets while pregnant had both, longer pregnancies and a higher miscarriage rate.

Mostly radiation is something we have to learn to live with because it is not going away. However making better choices to reduce your exposure is ideal for optimum fertility and the health of your prospective child.

(c) 2008 Gabriela Rosa and Natural Fertility & Health Solutions P/L. All Rights Reserved.

How Modern Technology Can Harm Your Fertility

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Friday, December 23, 2011

Sunbeam Microplush Throw Camelot Cuddler Electric Heated Warming Blanket, Walnut Brown

!: Buying Sunbeam Microplush Throw Camelot Cuddler Electric Heated Warming Blanket, Walnut Brown compare

Brand : Sunbeam | Rate : | Price :
Post Date : Dec 24, 2011 01:23:25 | Usually ships in 1-2 business days

  • The blanket measures 50"" x 60"" inches and is machine washable for easy care.
  • Made from ultra-luxurious microplush, the fabric of this blanket is incredibly soft and cozy.
  • It automatically responds to body, bed or room temperature changes.
  • The PrimeStyle controller is easy to grip, includes 3 warming settings and 3-hour auto-off for convenience.
  • America's #1 Heated Throw Blanket!Includes Manufacturer's Warranty.

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Sunbeam Microplush Throw Camelot Cuddler Electric Heated Warming Blanket, Walnut Brown

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Thursday, December 15, 2011

EMFs - The Invisible Danger

!: EMFs - The Invisible Danger

Our environment is filled with invisible natural and non-natural electric and magnetic fields. The man-made electric and magnetic fields (EMFs) have been until recently largely ignored. A growing volume of research has heightened public awareness of the problem that EMFs may be negatively impacting the health and well-being of millions of people. EMFs have in common that they are all created by electrical devises in our houses, such as hair dryers, digital alarm clocks, toasters, coffee makers, TVs, or computers. The more you use these devices and the closer you are to them, the higher is your exposure to EMFs. EMFs behave differently however, in respect to other characteristics. As soon as your electrical device is plugged in, it is surrounded by an electrical field, even when switched off. In contrast, magnetic fields are only created when your device is switched on. In other words, magnetic fields are only present when electric current flows and the bigger the current the stronger the magnetic field. Furthermore electric and magnetic fields behave differently in relation to building materials. Fortunately most of the building materials shield electric fields to some extent however, magnetic fields are not attenuated by currently used materials. That means that your house is not shielding you against the magnetic fields of for instances, a high voltage transmission line. The only solution to escape these big magnetic fields, which can extent hundreds of meters, is to maintain a reasonable distance.

Man-made EMFs emanate from whatever conducts or uses electricity, such as appliances, wiring, distribution lines under homes and along streets and highways, railroad cars on electrified lines, and high-tension power lines. Our proximity to electricity exposes us to electrical fields twenty four hours per day. Only if you live far from a city with no electricity at all, like a hermit, you would be unaffected.

How dangerous is electromagnetic pollution for us?

The effects of electromagnetic pollution on our health is currently discussed controversially. From the point of view of a Geomancer, electromagnetic pollution causes bad chi ("sha chi") in our environment, resulting in disharmony and energetic chaos. We are already exposed to various sources of discordant chi like geopathic stress, noises, strong winds, harmful chemicals and finally EMFs. The latter are a relatively new danger and we do not yet have any long term experience on their effects. More than ever we are permanently bombarded by invisible electromagnetic forces covering our surroundings like a fog with daily increasing density.

These electromagnetic forces have an effect on everything, from plant growth to our health and probably even the weather. Numerous epidemiological studies were done to investigate its biological effects. At first it was believed that man made sources like electricity, microwaves and radiofrequency, cannot influence our biological system. Electrical devices generally produce extremely low frequency (ELF) fields with frequencies up to 300 Hz. Other technologies produce intermediate frequency (IF) fields (300 Hz - 10 MHz) and radiofrequency (RF) fields (10 MHZ - 300 GHz). All these sources were considered as non-ionizing and unable to break chemical bonds. Several epidemiological studies have shown however, that these strong and multidirectional EMFs can disrupt normal cell polarity, and blood functions. This is because our complex body contains about 70% water, and our cells even consist of 97% water and about 3% salt, a solution that is able to conduct electricity. We are in fact an electrical system because all body functions and responses are controlled by bio-electromagnetic waves from the brain, and all our cells and tissues generate EMFs. Only in a natural and EMF free environment our bio-electrical system can work without influence and we are able to self-regulate and heal our vital bodily functions in an efficient way. The majority of the epidemiological studies on health effects of EMFs exposure have focused on the incidence of cancer. Much more likely is that the exposure to EMFs may act as a continuous immune-system stressor which can lead to a number of health problems, depending on the individual's health and genetic predisposition. Everyone of us reacts differently due to our health state and sensitivity. People with high electrical s ensitivity and/or electromagnetic hypersensitivity can experience numerous symptoms like nausea, dizziness, headaches, irritability, depression, anxiety, slow or fast heartbeat rate, altered sugar metabolism, immune abnormalities, hair loss, pain in the teeth, deteriorating fillings, impaired sense of smell, or ringing in the ears.

More and more people living close to high voltage power lines show strong symptoms and even life-threatening illnesses. The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency publicly acknowledged in their report "Evaluation of the Potential Carcinogenicity of EMFs" that electromagnetic pollution is a serious threat to health. The report reviewed studies that had been completed prior to 1990 including six residential studies of children and adults' over thirty studies of workers in electrical occupations, two studies of the relationship between children's cancer rates and their father's EMF exposures, as well as hundreds of laboratory studies.

What we can do?

Although we should be concerned about the potential risks of harmful EMFs, we can work on our environment to improve our life quality. Take a look around your home or office and you will find several possibilities to minimise your exposure to EMFs. The following list shows what you can do:

Check your environment with a Gauss meter (a meter designed to detect electromagnetic energy fields) to determine the places with EMFs in your immediate environment, as well as which sources generate the strongest fields.

Avoid electric blankets or sleeping on a heated waterbed. During night we should be able to recover and relax. This products generate a constant stream of electromagnetic energy that quietly charges your body for hours during night time. If you use an electric blanket, at least turn it off before you go to sleep (EPA recommendation).

Remove Electric Clocks and radios away from your bed. Leave them at least three feet away from your bed, desk, chair or from anywhere else you spend a great deal of time. Even digital clocks should be kept at least 30 cm away.

Avoid Power Lines or mobile phone towers. Don't move in a house close to a power line or mobile phone tower. Maintain a distance of at least 250 m to these installations. Don't spend your free time close to these installations.

Sit as far as possible from your television. The bigger the screen, the further away you should sit. Try to maintain a distance over 3 m away from the screen.

Avoid microwave ovens. When you have to use it, move about 3 metres away or leave the room. Although this report does not cover nutritional issues, consider that microwaves alter your food and additionally compromise your immune system. When the food is ready, take it out of the oven and leave to stand for 2-3 minutes to reduce free radicals in the food.

Unplug all your electronic devices after using.

Avoid using cordless electronic devices, such as electric toothbrushes, cordless phones (especially digital ones) and razors, all of which use magnetic induction to charge the battery. Such devices create large magnetic fields.

Electromagnetic energy can pass effortlessly through walls, so avoid setting up something on one side of a wall thinking it won't effect you or anyone on the other side. Stay several metres away, depending on how strong a field the item in question produces.

Rearrange your office so that you and others are not exposed to EMFs from the backs and sides of video display monitors. In addition, you can minimise your exposure by sitting at least an arms length from your monitor. Get rid of dimmers and three-way electrical switches altogether. They emit especially strong EMFs.

Use your cell/mobile phone only with a hand free set/head set. Or better, try to "survive" without your cell/mobile phone. Don't use the Blue Tooth variety and only make short calls. Do not carry the phone on your body. Avoid cordless phones.

Use crystals to harmonize your energetic field. Crystals have been found to be powerful tools to harmonize EMFs. Place a Unakite or Rose Quartz on or near your television or computer screen, or use Amazonite, Fluorite, Yellow Kunzite, Smoky Quartz or Black Tourmaline to neutralise the radiation of microwaves. If you are working a lot on your computer, then wearing Amazonite, Fluorite, Herkimer Diamond, Jasper (Brown), Kunzite (Yellow), Lepidolite, Malachite, Smoky Quartz Elestial, Sodalite, Tourmaline (Black) or Turquoise will help you. It is best not to wear more than two crystals at any one time if you have little experience with their use.

Protect yourself with quality Bio-Energy Devices. Some devices emit a subtle energy frequency which can metaphysically neutralise harmful energies and/or balance a person's own bio-energy field. By expanding (strengthening) your bio-energy field and infusing it with life-energy, the energy level in and around the body increases, which enables you to ground and purify negative, unbalanced and chaotic energies, such as EMFs more effectively. The common factor in all these devices is that they do not remove the physically measured fields. Before buying this products you should test them (e.g. dowsing or muscle testing).

Applying these practical suggestions will help you to minimise your exposure to harmful EMFs. Be aware of what is happening in your environment and avoid unnecessary exposure. Although there is in fact no scientific proof about the positive effects of crystals and Bio-Energy Devices available, many sensitive people notice their positive effects immediately and many others experience significant improvement of long-standing health problems already after a short period of time. There are still many things on this miraculous world that we cannot explain scientifically, but this doesn't proof that they do not exist. If you still have doubts, or are planning to build a house, it is always worth while to contact an experienced Geomancer or a Building Biologist, as your home is your heaven and it should be a place where you can recover fully and regain your strength. Copyright Newlife Marketing and Publishing 2008.

EMFs - The Invisible Danger

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Thursday, November 24, 2011

Biddeford 100% Poly Knit Queen Linen MicroPlush Heated Blanket

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Brand : Biddeford Blankets, LLC | Rate : | Price : $77.24
Post Date : Nov 24, 2011 10:48:07 | Usually ships in 24 hours

Microplush Heated Blanket with digital control 10 heat settings to ensure your personal comfort, turn your thermostat down & save energy while staying cozy warm. Blankets are machine washable and come with a limited 5 year warranty

  • Turn your thermostat down & save $$$
  • 5 year limited warranty
  • 10 personal settings
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Monday, November 21, 2011

Solar Heating For In-Ground Swimming Pools - Start Saving on Heating Bills

!: Solar Heating For In-Ground Swimming Pools - Start Saving on Heating Bills

With growing concerns about money and the environment, many people are looking for ways to reduce their spending while also reducing their negative impact on the planet. This is also true for owners of in-ground swimming pools, many of whom are now turning away from traditional heating methods and embracing solar pool heating to keep their pools warm. With many different types of solar heating options for swimming pools available today, pool owners have a wide variety of solar pool heating systems and products to choose from, which range in price, effectiveness and ease-of-use. By allowing you to harness free energy from the sun, solar heating products for pools provide slashed utility costs as well as the peace of mind that comes with using a green, renewable energy source.

Solar pool blankets and reels for in-ground pools represent one of the most widely used solar pool heating options. In-ground solar pool blankets are covered with thousands of tiny sealed air pockets which act as insulators as well as heat transmitters. As a result, solar blankets for in-ground swimming pools capture heat from the sun and transfer it into the pool water, raising the water temperature by up to 10 to 15 degrees Fahrenheit. At the same time, the special design of these pool covers greatly reduces evaporation, thereby preventing water and heat loss. Solar pool blankets are available in a variety of thicknesses (usually between 8-mil to 16-mil), each with their own features & length of warranty so there's sure to be one that's perfect for your pool and your budget. Although solar swimming pool blankets can be large and somewhat cumbersome to handle, there are many different models of in-ground solar pool reels available that make using solar blankets far easier. Together, in-ground solar pool blankets and reels provide a very popular way to use solar energy to raise the temperature of pool water and to extend the swimming season.

For those who would like an alternative to solar pool blankets and reels for in-ground pools, there are many other options to choose from, including solar sun rings. Solar sun rings consist of two layers of UV resistant vinyl. The top clear layer holds insulating air and also serves to focus sunlight on the bottom blue layer. The blue layer absorbs approximately half of the sunlight, converting it into heat energy. Several solar sun rings are used together and are set on the surface of the pool's water. The rings join together to create an insulating blanket which covers 70 to 80 percent of the water's surface. By leaving 20 to 30 percent of the surface uncovered, solar rings still allow sunlight to directly reach some of the water, which keeps the water healthier and helps to prevent the growth of algae. Many pool owners prefer using solar sun rings over solar pool blankets and reels for in-ground pools as they are easy for one person to handle, they are highly efficient and they feature a safe design which prevents accidental entrapment.

In addition to sun rings and in-ground solar pool blankets and reels, you can also use solar pills and sun pool domes to provide solar heating for your swimming pool. Solar pills are designed to be placed in the pump basket and release a swimmer-friendly compound which spreads across the surface of the pool, forming an invisible shield which inhibits heat evaporation. Solar pills work for 24 hours per day and last for up to 30 days. However, it's important to note that while solar pills provide ultimate convenience, they are only about 60 percent as effective as in-ground solar pool blankets.

Sun pool domes provide another great way to use the sun's energy as a heating source for your swimming pool. Typically constructed from vinyl and aluminum, sun pool domes provide a complete enclosure for your swimming pool, preventing heat loss and also helping to keep your pool clean. Although the initial assembly will take some time, sun pool domes are designed to be easily set up and taken down and will keep your pool warm and well-protected throughout the season with very little work on your part once installed. Sun pool domes and all of the other above solar pool heating options can be used in tandem with an electric or gas pool heater or a heat pump. However, they can also be used on their own, providing very green options for heating your pool.

If you are truly serious about going green with regards to heating your in-ground swimming pool, there are high quality solar pool heating systems available that you may wish to consider. For example, the SunGrabber in-ground solar pool heating system uses solar panels which are designed to be mounted either on the roof of your house, on a rack or on the ground. Lightweight and easy to winterize, the SunGrabber system provides maximum heat transfer and comes with a 10 year warranty. The Hi-Deluxe solar pool heating system is also an excellent option. Featuring a special tube-on-fin design, this system makes use of 70 to 94 percent of the available solar energy, allowing for outstanding performance and optimal solar heating results.

With the availability of solar heating kits for a variety of different solar heating options, it's easy to buy exactly what you need for installation and use. From in-ground solar pool reels and blankets to sun pool domes and solar pool heating systems with solar panels, there are convenient solar heating kits that will allow you to start harnessing the sun's free energy quickly and easily so you can enjoy an extended swimming season while saving money and reducing your negative impact on the environment.

Solar Heating For In-Ground Swimming Pools - Start Saving on Heating Bills

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Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Sunbeam Imperial Heated Mattress Pad

!: Sunbeam Imperial Heated Mattress Pad

The Sunbeam Imperial 140-Thread-Count Polyester Cotton Blend Comfort Heated Mattress Pad features a heated mattress pad in a white color with a uniform and consistent heating capability. The dual SimpliTouch dial controls the temperature of the pad with independent controls. The Sunbeam also has ten temperature settings as well as a ten-hour automatic shut off and auto-dimmer.

The Sunbeam ThremoFine Warming System will automatically and immediately respond to changes in body, mattress or room temperature. Construction consists of a 50/50 cotton and poly fiber blend and 140-thread-count. A polyester skirting properly and securely fits mattresses up to 18" in depth. Care allows for machine washings.

If you turn the Sunbeam on a few minutes before you go to bedtime, you'll be able to get into a warm and toasty bed. (Turn it on prior to brushing your teeth, and the entire bed is warm before you get into it.) Some owners even use their heated mattress pad instead of using their home's heater at night, which can save a substantial amount of money. Owners also typically say that a heated pad is superior to an electric blanket since the warmness generated by the product tends to rise up, resulting in a warm and comfortable sleeping environment overall. The Sunbeam makes no noise and the temperature settings offer a wide variety that will more than likely suit just about everyone.

The main complaint by owners is that there is a small box at the foot of the mattress pad and located inside is an energy or heat distributor to the rest of the pad. Owners can feel this box somewhat with their feet or legs and would prefer that this not be the case. But, nevertheless, this is not a deal breaker for most owners.

Sunbeam Imperial Heated Mattress Pad

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Saturday, November 5, 2011

Human Touch HT-1470 Back Massage Pad - Quad Roller Massaging Chair Cushion with real rollers and soothing heat

!: Great Deals Human Touch HT-1470 Back Massage Pad - Quad Roller Massaging Chair Cushion with real rollers and soothing heat Order Now

Brand : Human Touch HT-1470 Back Massage Pad - Quad Roller Massaging Chair Cushion with real rollers and soothing heat | Rate : | Price : $199.95
Post Date : Nov 05, 2011 07:45:21 | Usually ships in 1-2 business days

Human Touch HT-1470 Back Massage Pad - Quad Roller Massaging Chair Cushion with real rollers and soothing heat - The HT-1470 has an ultra-slim ergonomic design that will fit almost any chair or sofa. Its extended quad-point rolling and kneading massage reaches from the lower back all the way to the shoulders. Built-in heat adds to the massage delivers soothing comfort. Whether you want to enjoy a heated massage or just the heat by itself. It's all at your fingertips. 3 Settings Featuring Lower-Back Mode, Soothing Heat, Upper-Back Mode, Heat Option, Shiatsu Massage to Target Specific Areas, Full-Body Mode, Rolling Massage that Travels Up and Down the Back.

  • Ultra-slim ergonomic design that will fit almost any chair or sofa
  • Upper and lower back heat brings soothing comfort to sore back muscles
  • Ultra-portable, smart strap storage which can be quickly and easily transferred from chair to chair, or home to office
  • Memory foam seat pad for form-fitting comfort
  • Built-in heat adds to the massage delivers soothing comfort

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Monday, October 31, 2011

Dust Mites Are Invading - Residential HVAC Systems Help Protect Your Families Health

!: Dust Mites Are Invading - Residential HVAC Systems Help Protect Your Families Health

When you flip a switch, you want the lights to come on. When you push a button, you want the computer to spring to life. When you turn the key, you want your car engine to start. You are looking for results. Period. That is why you are looking for residential HVAC in Atlanta: climate control in your home.

On a summer day in the south you want the climate inside your family's home to be something vastly different from what is going on outside. You want it to be pleasantly cool and you want the humidity level to hover somewhere between the 30% and 50% mark. The first factor is, obviously, comfort. When the humidity is high, the body's natural cooling system is much less effective, so that when you sweat, evaporative cooling doesn't keep up with the need. Lower humidity equals less need for perspiration and, when the need does arise, the process works better.

The second and less well known factor is the serious health benefit. American homes are experiencing an invasion of dust mites which can cause asthma and other allergic symptoms. The three main species are multiplying in spite of modern technology and apartment buildings are being invaded at alarming rates.

There are at least three methods of combating these little beasties.

Low Humidity -- Dust mites cannot live in conditions where low humidity persists. A relative humidity of less than 50% usually proves fatal for the nasty beasties. That means that keeping your home -- and family -- safe from these particular pests depends in part on the reliability and efficiency of your HVAC unit. Regular, professional checkups for all parts of your system are an important hedge against an assault by unwelcome guests. These invaders can live in all sorts of climates, including high altitudes. They are particularly happy in kitchens and bedrooms where they have access to the dead skin cells humans shed. Humidity and direct access to moisture are provided by human breathing, perspiration, and saliva. Keeping the humidity low by using an efficient HVAC unit is a highly effective front line defense. Heating the Wash Cycle -- A recent study found that using heat when doing laundry makes a substantial difference in upping the death rate of dust mites. Using water at 140 degrees (or higher) kills all dust mites. Lowering the temperature to about 104 degrees leaves over 90% of them alive and able to reproduce. However, if hot water is not doable in your situation, it works to use water at least 86 degrees for rinsing IF THE LAUNDRY IS RINSED TWO TIMES FOR AT LEAST THREE MINUTES PER CYCLE. Heating the Drying Cycle -- Ten minutes in a regular clothes dryer that is set for at least 140 degrees has proven enough to kill all the dust mites in bedding such as pillows, quilts, blankets, and mattress pads.

Dust Mites Are Invading - Residential HVAC Systems Help Protect Your Families Health

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Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Proper Use of an Electric Blanket

!: Proper Use of an Electric Blanket

An electric blanket is an especially valuable commodity on those cold winter nights when you just can't seem to take the chill off. Just plug that they be in and wrap it around you, instant gratification. When you are sitting in a recliner with your feet up and your toes are like ice cubes, you can drape the electric blanket across those raw tootsies can get them toasted up in no time. If you are a camper and use a generator, just plug in that electric blanket and you can keep warm all night. The one thing in common in all of these scenarios is that using electricity to warm a blanket can provide you with a wonderful sense of comfort.

But of course because the power to heat the blanket is electric you must take to caution while using it. When buying an electric blanket do not rely on anyone else's findings from research. To your own homework before making the purchase and remember to keep in mind these important facts, how you will be using it and its safety ratings. As with any electric devise fires can happen.

Of course too much hate can also cause the skin to burn. Putting a sheet or light weight blanket between you and the electric blanket could give you the best results and prevent prolonged exposure. It may not be completely necessary, but it certainly wouldn't hurt.

If you intend to use it at night when sleeping make sure your research includes that information. Keep in mind that many experts advise against having your electric blanket plugged in while you are sleeping. A good alternative is to place it next to your sheet for a few moments before bed and then unplug it. The warmth from the blanket will be retained and you will feel comfy and cozy.

Here are a few other safety concerns to keep in mind. When warming your feet or legs wear socks and pants or use a lightweight throw between you and the electric blanket to prevent any kind of burns from prolonged exposure. Although the blankets have been safety tested by the manufacturer it never hurts to be cautious.

They can be especially comforting when you or a loved one are not feeling up to par. They can rant you in a cocoon of warmth that will help take those feverish chills away.

From the old man trying to keep warm sitting in his evening chair, to the couple snuggling together on a camping trip, the electric blanket can be a great investment. Sometimes you just need a little extra heat when your bones start to feel a chill and an electric blanket is ideal for that task. Just remember to research any and all products that can potentially harm you.

Proper Use of an Electric Blanket

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Wednesday, April 20, 2011

What to Do With an Old electric Blanket

!: What to Do With an Old electric Blanket

Electric blankets, whether single, double, queen size, king size or full size, all get old. Wear and tear will take a toll as night after night for many years your rolling around on top of the mattress cover varieties will originate conflict and wear. The springs of the mattress and the raised elements of the galvanic blanket are natural conflict points. The cotton material of the mattress cover and the blanket have fibres that rub and over time, they will wear away at the blanket material and the insulating material around the electrical elements and cord.

When these elements are sufficiently exposed there is a risk of short circuiting the blanket and electrifying the occupants of the bed. In this country there are hundreds of fires and deaths attributed to faulty galvanic blankets. In the United Kingdom most councils offer free safety testing of galvanic blankets because in any one year the Uk will suffer 1000 fires, 20 deaths and over 100 injuries from galvanic blankets.

There are recorded Cases of people suffering heat stroke and even burns from faulty galvanic blankets. It is even more tragic when it happens to babies or small children as they are often helpless and suffer agonizing injuries before help can arrive. The elderly are also at risk and often their feebleness hinders their own attempts to leave their predicament. If there is one place we should all feel safe, absolutely it is in our own bed?

So if you see wear and tear beginning, especially cracks or kinks in the insulation around the electrical cord, arrange of the blanket and buy a new one. Take off the blanket from the bed and unplug it from the wall. Cut the plug off and also cut the cord where it enters the blanket. Place the blanket in a garbage bag and put it out with the trash. Leaving it with the cord attached and out on the street for collection might corollary in someone taking it, using it and potentially being injured by it. Far safer for all if you render the blanket inoperable and then arrange of it properly.

Electric blankets are a overwhelming appliance that makes contemporary living so much more comfortable. But there is a risk to conduct and given how relatively cheap they are to replace, it is not worth taking risks with whatever electrical. Especially not something you sleep on top of!

What to Do With an Old electric Blanket

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