Monday, October 31, 2011

Dust Mites Are Invading - Residential HVAC Systems Help Protect Your Families Health

!: Dust Mites Are Invading - Residential HVAC Systems Help Protect Your Families Health

When you flip a switch, you want the lights to come on. When you push a button, you want the computer to spring to life. When you turn the key, you want your car engine to start. You are looking for results. Period. That is why you are looking for residential HVAC in Atlanta: climate control in your home.

On a summer day in the south you want the climate inside your family's home to be something vastly different from what is going on outside. You want it to be pleasantly cool and you want the humidity level to hover somewhere between the 30% and 50% mark. The first factor is, obviously, comfort. When the humidity is high, the body's natural cooling system is much less effective, so that when you sweat, evaporative cooling doesn't keep up with the need. Lower humidity equals less need for perspiration and, when the need does arise, the process works better.

The second and less well known factor is the serious health benefit. American homes are experiencing an invasion of dust mites which can cause asthma and other allergic symptoms. The three main species are multiplying in spite of modern technology and apartment buildings are being invaded at alarming rates.

There are at least three methods of combating these little beasties.

Low Humidity -- Dust mites cannot live in conditions where low humidity persists. A relative humidity of less than 50% usually proves fatal for the nasty beasties. That means that keeping your home -- and family -- safe from these particular pests depends in part on the reliability and efficiency of your HVAC unit. Regular, professional checkups for all parts of your system are an important hedge against an assault by unwelcome guests. These invaders can live in all sorts of climates, including high altitudes. They are particularly happy in kitchens and bedrooms where they have access to the dead skin cells humans shed. Humidity and direct access to moisture are provided by human breathing, perspiration, and saliva. Keeping the humidity low by using an efficient HVAC unit is a highly effective front line defense. Heating the Wash Cycle -- A recent study found that using heat when doing laundry makes a substantial difference in upping the death rate of dust mites. Using water at 140 degrees (or higher) kills all dust mites. Lowering the temperature to about 104 degrees leaves over 90% of them alive and able to reproduce. However, if hot water is not doable in your situation, it works to use water at least 86 degrees for rinsing IF THE LAUNDRY IS RINSED TWO TIMES FOR AT LEAST THREE MINUTES PER CYCLE. Heating the Drying Cycle -- Ten minutes in a regular clothes dryer that is set for at least 140 degrees has proven enough to kill all the dust mites in bedding such as pillows, quilts, blankets, and mattress pads.

Dust Mites Are Invading - Residential HVAC Systems Help Protect Your Families Health

Campbell Power Washer Answer

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Proper Use of an Electric Blanket

!: Proper Use of an Electric Blanket

An electric blanket is an especially valuable commodity on those cold winter nights when you just can't seem to take the chill off. Just plug that they be in and wrap it around you, instant gratification. When you are sitting in a recliner with your feet up and your toes are like ice cubes, you can drape the electric blanket across those raw tootsies can get them toasted up in no time. If you are a camper and use a generator, just plug in that electric blanket and you can keep warm all night. The one thing in common in all of these scenarios is that using electricity to warm a blanket can provide you with a wonderful sense of comfort.

But of course because the power to heat the blanket is electric you must take to caution while using it. When buying an electric blanket do not rely on anyone else's findings from research. To your own homework before making the purchase and remember to keep in mind these important facts, how you will be using it and its safety ratings. As with any electric devise fires can happen.

Of course too much hate can also cause the skin to burn. Putting a sheet or light weight blanket between you and the electric blanket could give you the best results and prevent prolonged exposure. It may not be completely necessary, but it certainly wouldn't hurt.

If you intend to use it at night when sleeping make sure your research includes that information. Keep in mind that many experts advise against having your electric blanket plugged in while you are sleeping. A good alternative is to place it next to your sheet for a few moments before bed and then unplug it. The warmth from the blanket will be retained and you will feel comfy and cozy.

Here are a few other safety concerns to keep in mind. When warming your feet or legs wear socks and pants or use a lightweight throw between you and the electric blanket to prevent any kind of burns from prolonged exposure. Although the blankets have been safety tested by the manufacturer it never hurts to be cautious.

They can be especially comforting when you or a loved one are not feeling up to par. They can rant you in a cocoon of warmth that will help take those feverish chills away.

From the old man trying to keep warm sitting in his evening chair, to the couple snuggling together on a camping trip, the electric blanket can be a great investment. Sometimes you just need a little extra heat when your bones start to feel a chill and an electric blanket is ideal for that task. Just remember to research any and all products that can potentially harm you.

Proper Use of an Electric Blanket

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